Managing Emotions

Do you feel resentment, anger, sadness, or hurt? Do you feel lost, unsafe, worthless or hopeless?
You almost feel your blood boiling, heat, and stress rising, anxiety racing, or maybe you feel numb and can’t control your tears and your confidence is at a low. BIG emotions in kids and adults are similar. In short, your frontal lobe shuts down, logic goes out the window and you step into “fight/flight/freeze/collapse”. Only focussed on one thing… to be safe.





Listening • Understanding • Connecting • Balancing •

How Kinesiology can help with managing BIG emotions

Kinesiology identifies imbalances in the body's energy system, including emotional imbalances, whether they stem from your childhood, work, relationships or trauma.

One important strategy that Zoe uses, is to identify and label the emotion. Recognising the specific emotion you are experiencing and acknowledging it without judging yourself can help you better understand the source of your emotion and begin to manage it.

When dealing with BIG emotions it is important you feel safe and heard. Along with listening, other techniques such as core belief work, breathwork and releasing emotions through cathartic releases or rituals are used.

Reach out for help with your emotions and you may just begin to love life and begin to find yourself again.

Watch your thoughts; they become words,
Watch your words; they become actions,
Watch your actions; they become habits,
Watch your habits; they become your character,
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.


What else can Kinesiology can help with?