Holding a Space

It is not uncommon to be called upon to support friends or loved ones through difficult times. This is quite easy to understand and action when the request for help may be to cook a meal, take your friend to an appointment or making phone calls. But what happens when someone simply needs us to be there.

To hold a space for them as they go through their journey of emotions and overwhelm.

At a recent yoga class, my Yogi teacher asked; “what does it mean to hold space?”

Does it mean to allow another person to exist as they are? To honour and validate them in their lives? Maybe it is about placing them in a physical space where they can live as they do without judgement from others.

Are we only “held in a space” when we accept our own lives fully?

When we are called upon to hold a space our friend or loved one may need silence, listening not questioning, their hand held in a gentle embrace, a friend to cry with, even giving someone the time to be alone knowing that you are nearby when needed.

No matter how holding a space appears what is consistent each time is that we offer ourselves as a vessel for the feelings and emotions to flow into as our loved one moves through a process to discover themselves. The more grounded and calm we are the better.  

This is not a time to fix or find a solution. It is a time to be humble, observant, and challenging at times while being willing to step aside our investment in our friend and simply let them find their own way. Because it’s not about you.

One thing that I do know is we can only hold a space for another person when we honestly hold a space for ourselves. Authentic, grounded, free of judgement, opening and allowing what is to be as it is. Being in the moment.

In clinic I hold a space for each client. Whether that be in silence, challenging their beliefs or simply holding their emotions in trust. I adorn the healing space with colours, smells, sounds and crystals that reflect their core reason for seeing me, so that they feel held in a safe space knowing it will support their journey to healing.

If you’re curious about how kinesiology could support you please get in contact as I’d love to hold a space for you as you journey into healing.

You can contact me at hello@zode.com.au

From my heart to yours

Zoe Jack
Zode Kinesiology


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