A lesson in TRUST.….and how I manifested $11K

May 2022 has been A-MAY-ZING for me.

I have started a beautiful art therapy online course to reignite my creativity.  Art is something I have always found to be grounding, focused and heartfelt. Although I would not call myself an “artist”, I do my best and I simply “be” in the moment and let it flow. I’m quite proud of my results so far but more importantly I am stepping out of my comfort zone and expressing my feelings which is quite freeing.

But May started with a lesson in Trust. Ironically, on May the 4th (be with you!)….cue the Star Wars music!

This lesson in trust ended in me enrolling and paying for a new course to expand my business and energetic healing offerings.

I had just completed a weekend workshop called AWAKEN – a 2day virtual immersion into igniting one’s shamanic gifts. I discovered I have a few Shamanic gifts; often called the “Claires”, but I was not fully connected to them and was certainly not using them to their capacity. It was an amazing weekend, and I felt every bit of the energy and healing.

Before we progress, what are the Shamanic Gifts?

§  CLAIRVOYANCE or "clear seeing"

§  CLAIRAUDIENCE or “clear hearing”

§  CLAIRSENTIENCE or “clear sensing”

§  CLAIRSENTINENCE or “clear feeling”

§  CLAIRCOGNIZANCE or “clear knowing”

§  AUTOMATIC WRITING - also called “Spirit Writing” or psychography.

§  XENOGLOSSIA - such as Speaking in tongues.

§  IRRADIATION - Specific physical movements influenced by an unknown force.

§  INCORPORATION or “embodiment”


After the AWAKEN weekend, I had significant shifts in my awareness around TRUST and I began to open more to energies. Things just started happening. The final integration session for the weekend workshop was while I had a client.

My reaction was interesting but rapid in its resolution.  I went from Annoyed, asking if they could record it so I didn’t miss out. This became FOMO which very quickly became Acceptance that I would not be included in the final session….

And finally, I arrived at TRUST. Trust that I will get exactly what I needed from the final integration session through the beautiful simplicity of Spirit and energy. Energy knows no bounds of time and space. It just is and we can access it at anytime, anywhere.

The AWAKEN workshop fed into a yearlong course. I desperately wanted to do it but the cost was unattainable with my current bank balance so I simply let go of expectations, said no and the course coordinator said she would call me on Friday to confirm. “Just be with the idea for a few days and see what happens”, she said.  OK I thought I can do that, and I will simply say “no” when we speak again on Friday.


I had my session with my client. I trusted in the energy around me, and we talked about the importance of letting go of control and just trusting, a relevant discussion for this client.  Upon conclusion, my client stood up. Gave me a big hug and said ……….

“When you see $11K in your bank account don’t worry - it’s a gift - not to be paid back.
I want you to be the best version of yourself ‘cos you have a gift and you are here to help others so now you can…… enjoy your course.”

Yep. In 3 hours, I had manifested $11,000 and on the Friday call with the course coordinator I signed up for the yearlong course.

TRUST. If you surrender all ideas about the “how” and let go of the many limitations we think we have….. If it’s your purpose or destiny, it will happen. Spirit will make sure of it. We just need to be open to anything being possible and listen.


May 2022 concluded with me attending a Women’s Retreat over 3 days called “Remembering Her”. This was in nature, with likeminded women. We danced, drank cacao, created artworks, journaled, and found our Wild Woman through a naked mud walk and creating our inner Wyld creature. On the last night my pattern rose again, and I felt drawn to remember the idea of trust.

I jumped in the shower very early, ignoring that I might wake others as I put my needs first, listening to my body about what I needed, and I walked out of the shower committing to myself that I would ask for help with this pattern with whoever was there. To get help with understanding and releasing this limiting belief that plagues me. I came face to face with the retreat facilitator and we talked.

Needless to say, I uncovered so much in that 20min chat. I moved through my patterns and limiting beliefs and I am now integrating this new learning into my life.

 So yes. May 2022 has been A-MAY-ZING and I am truly grateful to all the people who have influenced and supported me thought this month of exploration and self-awareness.

If you would like any information relating to the above courses, retreats or creative outlets, please get in touch and I’d be happy to share.

If you find yourself falling into limiting beliefs or familiar but dysfunctional patterns why not reach out to me for a Free Curiosity Chat ~ and trust it will help.

From my heart to yours xx

Zoe Jack
Zode Kinesiology


Kids and Kinesiology - Trust is Key


What makes me wake up at night?